APEEE UpdateFrom: PRAJS Mateja [mateja.prajs@europarl.europa.eu] Sent: mardi 24 avril 2012 2:17 To: Mackenzie Gordon; DENNIS Ian Cc: office@apeee.lu Subject: APEEE Update Dear Gordon, As you are aware, we had a vote on your request for assistance in the possible legal case, in the APEEE Management Committee meeting yesterday evening. I explained, or better, I tried to explain, that we would only need to come to an agreement that: there is possibly an issue of discrimination (I actually read your words). To my great disappointment I am the only one who believes there is. At the same time I would dare to say I am the only parent with young children attributed to Lux2 in the whole committee (please Ian correct me if I am wrong). This, I believe is also the reason for the current lack of empathy, since as you know the APEEE has fought against building the school in Mamer and strongly supported the horizontal split. It is now up to Ian to issue and official reply (unfortunately he was absent from the meeting itself). Kind regards, Mateja