All children attending the CPE Bertrange/Mamer can use the shuttle at 4.45 or 6 pm organised by the ATSEE going to the EEl I at Kirchberg

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Message from CPE:

Dear parents,

Few days after the opening of the new European school and of the CPE in Bertrange/Mamer, after some first experience as well as in view of some new arrangements provided for by ATSEE (Association de Transport des Elèves des Ecoles Européennes), we come back to you with some additional information about the options of transport for children leaving the CPE in Bertrange/Mamer at the end of the day.

OIL further analysed the impact of the transport on the security of children and on the functioning of the CPE, as well as the question of responsibility. The rules have been reviewed as follows:


All children attending the CPE in Bertrange/Mamer can use the shuttle at 4.45 or 6 p.m. organised by the ATSEE going to the European school I at Kirchberg. As the shuttle now stops directly in front of the CPE building, both children of the Garderie and of the Study and Recreation Centre (CEL) can be escorted to the shuttle, as long as the parents have signed up for this service and have filled in the respective form. The responsibility of the CPE ends as soon as the child is handed over to the person who will accompany them on the bus.

You can download forum here.

Parents interested by this optionof transport are required to fill in the annexed form “Autorisation de sortie pour l’utilisation de la navette de 16h45 ou 18h00 vers l’école européenne du Kirchberg” and return it, dully signed, to the administration of the CPE ( The deadline for submission is 26 September 2012 and children will be able to use the shuttle as of Monday the 1 October 2012.

Children already using the shuttles continue to do so in the current mode, their parents are nevertheless asked to fill in the new form to confirm or change the times of departure, according to the new rules.


Children in the secondary school may travel to and from the CPE alone. They can use the school busses organised by ATSEE, city bus or train without specific permission.

As for the primary school children, OIL actively considers the option to let them leave the CPE to take a bus or train on their own, on the basis of a specific permission of parents. Such a possibility would nevertheless require a change of the Rules on admission to and operation of the CPE establishments. Therefore, an opinion of CCPE (Comité du Centre polyvalent de l´Enfance) will be requested at its next meeting on 28 September 2012. Parents will be informed about the final decision and conditions next week.


Choice on the transport “regime” is made for the whole school year and can only be changed in duly justified cases.
A differentiated regime per week is possible (the time of departure can differ from one day to another) but must be stable (same every week) throughout the year. Ad hoc changes cannot be accepted unless parents pick up their child themselves before departure of the shuttle.
Children taking the shuttle of 4.45 on the long school days (Monday for Garderie children and Monday and Wednesday for CEL children) take it directly after school, they do not come to the CPE on those days.
The CPE provides no guarantee that CEL children leaving at 4.30 p.m. have been able to do all their homework. These children might not be able to eat their afternoon snack, served at this same hour.
Children taking part in outside activities will not be able to take the 4.45 p.m. shuttle on the days concerned. They will automatically use the shuttle at 6 p.m.
In case of shared custody, the signature of one parent on the form is considered to represent the will of both of the parents.
Requests sent outside the general enrolment period (26 September) will be implemented at the earliest on the second working day following reception of the request in the mailbox of the CPE. A written confirmation of the starting date will be sent to the parents by e-mail.
The system and its implementation will be evaluated in the course of the school year. The CPE Administration reserves the right to review its policy and general conditions on the basis of this evaluation.

We understand that the transport organised by ATSEE facilitates the situation of a number of families and hope that the above rules contribute to better conciliation of their private and professional life.

On the other hand, collecting of children by their own parents remains, especially in case of the very young ones, the best option in terms of security and of the personal contact with their educator.

Please consider your choice carefully, taking into account the age and level of maturity of your child as well as all possible risks.

Finally, we take the occasion to inform you that your jobkaart is as of now valid also on the train to the station Mamer-Lycée. For more information, please contact

Best regards,

Lenka Nýdrlová
CPE Administrator

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