European School was illegally collecting personal data

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Today, I received the final decision from the National data protection Commission (CNPD) about my complaint against European school Luxembourg 2 regarding the illegal data collection at the beginning of the school year.

I wrote at length in this article Did Leene Soekov and Per Frithiofson break the law?. I complained to the deputy director for secondary Leene Soekov that what they did was not correct and they should correct their wrongdoing. They didn’t listen so I lodged a complaint to the CNDP.

In her reply to my concern about questionable data collection Leene Soekov replied: Please be informed that as of the start of last week, after the meeting of the school management with the Luxembourgish authorities regarding a safe and secure start of the school year, we have been working closely with the Ministry of Health of Luxembourg, to put in place instructions and thereafter inform first the staff regarding the proper protocol so that they are able to guarantee the safety and security of our pupils. On top of that the Board of Governors of the European School took place on 31 August which made essential decisions that, according to my duty and responsibility, have to be included in our safety instructions.

I know my legal obligations very well and do my utmost to make the school environment a safe and secure place for all the students and staff at secondary school.

I am on top of all the demands, requirements and instructions and I am proud of doing so.

It looks like Leene Soekov does NOT know her legal obligation. Someone might even understand that she is proud of breaching the law.  

CNPD confirmed that European school Luxembourg 2 illegally collected documents with the personal data of the students and parents/guardians (the signed “Covid-19 rues- Pupil’s contract).

Leene Soekov and Per Frithiofson realised they made a mistake…

Guilty text with the background picture of a judge's gavel

The school informed CNPD that they destroyed all the documents related to this data collection.

UPDATE: 04.02.2021

There were some requests for proof that this illegal action from the school actually happened. To calm down all those sceptics, I’m adding a redacted version of the decision received from the CNPD. All personal data were removed.

It would be expected that school administration, especially Leene Soekov, who initiated illegal data collection, inform all affected parents and pupils about the deletion. Since demand for signing the document was send to all the secondary parents and pupils, the same should be done now.

CNPD decission 2021

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