School transport meeting on 16.10.2014 at 19h

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Dear Parents,

The system of transportation to the school is currently under revision. New lines have been introduced from Mamer and Bertrange and the remaining lines are currently under revision. Furthermore , there have been changes for cyclists, pedestrians and those who are using private transportation.

You are invited to a meeting about School Transport , on Thursday 16. October in the LUX II, Salle de Fêtes at 19:00. This will be the occasion for ATSEEE to present the changes so far, to all modes of transport, and for you to ask questions. Should you already have questions, we kindly ask you to send them to by Tuesday 14. October.

We take this opportunity to remind you that ATSEE is a Parents’ Association, and that any support by parents is very much appreciated. If you wish to contribute to the Transport arrangements of your child/children, please send an e-mail to, or let an ATSEE member know on the 16th October.

Hoping to see as many parents as possible,


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