APEEEL2 election 2014

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Parents’ Association of the European School Luxembourg II

Candidatures are welcomed form all language sections, all cycles (nursery/primary/secondary) and all categories (I-II- III). The only formal constraint is that candidates should be fully paid-up members of APEEEL2.

Election 2014At different times, some or all of the following skills are required: analysis, communication, lobbying, management, negotiation, planning. Professional backgrounds in accountancy, communications, education, IT, law, management, psychology are obvious assets for certain roles. But just as important are an interest in the subject, the capacity and motivation to learn new skills, and, above all, the ability to devote the necessary time and energy to solving problems. The
European Schools, and not least the newest of the European Schools on the Bertrange site in Luxembourg, are excellent schools, but that is no reason for complacency: they could be many times better.

What you should already know

Whilst parents are always free to take actions on their own individual initiative in formal or informal ways, it is oftenmore efficient and effective to work through or with the Parents’ Association, which, in the case of parents of the European School Luxembourg II, is APEEEL2. It is this organization which is officially recognized by the Schoolauthorities as the one representing parents. Moreover, the Parents’ Association has the advantage of being able to do the work of representation from an experienced and informed overall perspective.

The senior decision-makingbody of APEEEL2 is the Management Committee, led by its Executive Board, with a maximum of 21 elected, voting members (under certain conditions, additional non-voting members can also be co-opted). Management Committeemembers are elected for a two-year term of office. Every year, typically in April/May, around half of the Management Committee members stand down; some members may leave the committee altogether. Retiring members can standfor re-election. The elections are publicized as widely and as early as possible in order to allow new candidates to register  their interest. If more candidatures are received than there are vacancies, a formal election is organized. Although representation is available to all parents, only parents who are paid-up members of the Association can stand for election or vote. Each parent who has paid their annual membership fee has one vote.

Call Elections 2014 APEEEL2

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