Open letter to members of the College of Heads of Administration

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Open letter from Union Syndicale PE Luxembourg uspe


Transportation plan to/from European School II in Mamer: No discriminatory treatment

Luxembourg, 25 May 2012

Dear Sir or Madam

On 7 March 2012, in our tract entitled:

‘Presentation of the transportation plan to/from European School 2 in Mamer by the Head Mr. E. de Tournemire: mobility or immobility?’,

we drew your attention to this plan, which was far from ready and did not promote equal treatment between the students at European Schools 1 and 2. Today, there are less than four months before the next school year starts, and we would like to know whether:

– This point was on the agenda of your meeting last March?

– Did the College adopt a position on this highly sensitive matter?

– Does the college intend to put this item on the agenda at its next meeting on 20 June in order to be able to provide follow-up, and draw conclusions?

An intervention on your part strikes us as being of the utmost importance, and could change the situation so that the following conditions would apply:

– a bussing plan worthy of the name that is at least equivalent to that in place for European School 1, and takes account of the specific transportation needs of all the children concerned (age, place of residence);

– childcare at the CPE daycare centre in Kirchberg in the late afternoon for children returning from Mamer by bus, and on the same conditions as for the children of European School 1;

– a concertation between the group working on this mobility plan, representatives of the Staff Committees of the institutions and parents involved in this mobility plan.

Union Syndicale therefore reiterates its call for this matter to be considered, and asks you to take it up with all stakeholders. Indeed, a favourable response to the points made above would enable most issues related to transportation and the childcare for the very youngest children to be resolved, which would reassure the parents concerned.

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