Leene Soekov caused a drop in BAC success rate

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Deputy Director for a secondary school in European school Mamer is causing significant drop in a BAC success rate.

The latest data available for all European schools for European Baccalaureate are from 2019. This was the 60th session of the European Baccalaureate but unfortunately, Mamer school didn’t have cause for celebration since results were a disaster. It was the lowest BAC success rate in a long time. 

The reason for low BAC success rate

The reason is Leene Soekov, who from her arrival to this European school in 2017, doesn’t allow learning support. She is systematically declining all requests. Because of that, she managed to significantly lower the BAC success rate in European school Luxembourg 2 to a miserable 94%. The general average success rate for all European schools is 98,21%.

Schools should use their allocations of learning and support resources to personalise the learning for the individual needs of their students. Teaching and learning can be adjusted in many ways, based on every pupil’s unique needs, to enable additional learning and support needs to enjoy the same opportunities and choices in their education as their peers.

Mamer school “bellow” average?

Mamer school was the last one from all European schools by BAC success rate with a 94,77% of successful participants. Here I don’t count European school Heraklion because of statistical irrelevance. Eleven schools managed to get 100% success, but Mamer school is dropping and dropping.

Success rate europeans schools 2019 1
Success rate of all European schools for BAC 2019

The detailed report can be found in the Report on European Baccalaureate 2019.

Educational school trips are not allowed too

From her arrival in 2017, Leene Soekov also does not allow any educational school trip. And we are not talking about corona period but from the beginning of her management duties. Many teachers requested educational school trips, but deputy director ignored all of their requests. 

A lot of experts consider educational school trips an integral part of the educational system. School trips are a way of augmenting the learning process by taking your children outside of their usual classroom environment and getting them to have a different learning experience. A school trip can be anything, from a trip into the local area to familiarise them, with the world around them; a place of interest or relevance to the subject that they are learning; or even something like a foreign exchange where they get to immerse themselves in a different culture.

Some of the reasons that school trips have huge importance include:

  • Building For Later Life
  • Behaviour
  • Improved Attendance
  • Context

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