ATSEEE Financial Statement for 2012 – 2013

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Costs for school transport to European school Mamer are 1,38 mio €.

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I- RECETTES 2012/2013 2011/2012
abo privés 150,993.25 95,999.85
surveillances navettes (prosegur) 260,830.00
abo institutions 1,075,013.50 825,474.95
abo supplementaires 394.44 766.70
duplicatas de cartes bus 284.50 195.00
vente tickets de bus 17,475.50 3,836.00
1,504,991.19 926,272.50
subsides extraordinaire de l’Etat Lux 2012/13   (3) 425,000.00
cotisations et dons 43.00
autres produits exceptionnels 0.00 910.09
Produits financiers 38.68 306.28
81.68 1,216.37
TOTAL RECETTES 1,930,072.87 927,488.87
II- DEPENSES 2012/2013 2011/2012
frais de transport compagnies E1 1,003,166.52 902,848.40
frais de transport compagniesE2                     (4) 967,022.49
frais de compagnies transport navette               (4) 160,963.13
surveillance navettes Prosegur                         (4) 255,034.25
moniteurs 17,758.05 6,750.50
2,403,944.44 909,598.90
Dons 100.00 100.00
Contrat de maintenance 332.10
frais de représentation 2,154.58 1,984.44
frais de bureau 2,203.92 1,953.43
frais de téléphone 702.86 597.32
frais postaux 1,106.98 742.90
personnel exterieur 16,965.00 11,644.25
23,233.34 17,354.44
frais financiers 251.05 308.70
traitement net employées 35,798.09 35,887.69
ccss cotisations 7,617.93 11,935.98
rémun charges sociales 43,416.02 47,823.67
CHARGES 2,470,844.85 975,085.71
RESULTAT -540,771.98 -47,596.84

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