European Commission is paying 2.400.000€ for 2012 rent for the new CPE 5 in Mamer

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One notices that in Annex 2, of the “Rapport financier 2011 CCPE 29 juin 2012 Final.pdf”
that is attached to this post the cost of the Rent for 2012 for (CPE1 + CPE3 + CPE3-Extension+CPE4) is = 2,058,000 euro ( 2,200,000 euro in 2011 ).

But for 2012, the rent for the new CPE 5 building is 2.400.000 euro! For the next 20 years!

Seeing that the CPE 5 is not located on Kirchberg where the rent is quite high; that the CPE 5 is catering for about half the number of children that all the other CPE buildings in 2011 together, catered for; and that the CPE 5 only opened its doors in September, how can the rent be so high?

A new purpose-built building on one physical site, is going to be cheaper to run than several old buildings on different sites, so how can this Rent be so high? In this day-and-age of the Commission trying to save money due to the Crisis, how can they sign up to this?

Because this CPE 5 is so expensive it basically doubles the amount in the CPE budget spent on the category of expenditure ‘Code nature 21100’. On page 8 of the report it already states “Concernant les coûts de fonctionnement, financés via les cotisations parentales, les coûts vont certainement augmenter dans les années à venir sous l’effet induit de l’ouverture du CPE V.”

Why should this be? Should OIL or DG BUDG or the Court of Auditors insist on a re-negotiation of the contract for the CPE 5 to bring the Rent down to a more reasonable level?

Extract from Annex 2 of the above-mentioned Document:

 rent 2011

rent 2012

rent 2013

Financial report

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