Activities Periscolaires 2014-2015

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The 2014/2015 exercise is the sixth under our stewardship, and the Federation is happy to have again taken the opportunity to introduce further significant developments. These are fully described on our website, where you can already find the full list of activities and the general terms and conditions. There is a direct link to the extracurricular activities site from the Parents’ Association main APEEEL2 site .


 In line with the policy recommendations from the General Assembly and the FAPEEEL statutes, priority access to the activities will be given to registered, paid-up members of the Parents’ Associations (APEEEL1 or APEEEL2).

For these registered, paid-up members, inscriptions will be possible from 8 a.m. on Monday 8th September 2014.

We will then open up the inscription to other interested parents on Monday 15th September at 8 a.m. and the lists will remain open until the courses are at full capacity.

  • For courses which are fully inscribed, we will operate a waiting list system.
  • Parents can inscribe their children to participate in an activity even if the child does not attend that school, so children from Lux I can attend Lux II activities and vice-versa.

All APEEEL1 and APEEEL2 members have been allocated a Personal Identification Code (PIC). This PIC should be entered when the inscription process starts. Please note: this PIC will only work for one e-mail address. A description of the enrolment procedure is available on the website under.


The list of activities has been reviewed this year, which means that the range and choices are slightly different. There is also a search facility on the web site, allowing activities to be filtered by schools (Lux I, Lux II); by type of activity (private lessons, group lessons); by day of the week and cycle. Additions include more individual music tuition lessons, theatre, languages, as well as a wider range of sports and dances.

A big effort has been made in order to propose as full a range of activities as possible on both school sites. As usual, the final offer in each location will depend on the number of inscriptions. Many prices are reduced in comparison to last year and there is no activity above the limit of 290 €.


This year we organise a “foire des activités” of the 2 schools, which will take place on Saturday, the 20th of September at 10 a.m. in Lux 1, Kirchberg. The proposed activities which are not fully inscribed already will be presented by the different teachers.

  1. TRIAL

For activities which are not fully inscribed there may be a trial lesson, so that pupils can decide if they’re interested or not. To take part in it, the agreement of the teacher is necessary.


After last year’s positive experience, we will continue our transfer service. Parents wishing to participate in it will need to register their child on our website when they enrol.

  • Lux 1

The waiting area in Lux 1 school is in the cafeteria or at the entrance of the Secondary building. Parents whose children have activities in the Primary building can access directly the waiting room F112 in Primary.

  • Lux 2

The waiting area in Lux 2 school is on the basement of the Primary building.

Parents will need a badge to access school sites.

Please find the complete program of the extracurricular activities on our website

Yours faithfully,

Vaiva Simonaviciute,

Coordinatrice générale des activités périscolaires

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