European School Discrimination Hearing, 12 November 2012

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On 12 November 2012, the European School Non-Discrimination Campaign (ESNDC) will present a case to the European School Complaints Board alleging discrimination against European School II (Luxembourg) parents on grounds of language, nationality, ethnicity, property status and sex.

Are you a parent of a child (or children) who has been assigned to the European School II in Mamer? Has this had a negative impact on your life or that of your child/children?

If so, we would like to hear from you by Tuesday 6 November. We are looking for a brief, 1-page statement of the problems you are experiencing. These are some that have been raised:

  1. Additional time spent commuting children to and from school.
  2. Income lost due to the need to work less hours as a result of the longer commutes.
  3. Tiredness of children due to longer commutes and the need to get up earlier.
  4. Loss of contact with teachers and educators.
  5. Inability to accompany younger children to extra-curricular activities.
  6. The cost of additional transport, often not re-imbursed.
  7. Concerns about the safety of children travelling unaccompanied by rail and bus.
  8. Loss of language options and of other subject options.
  9. Safety and suitability of the school premises at Mamer – lack of enclosure, exposure to car parks, multiple flights of steps (externally and internally) and the clinical, anonymous feel, particularly for young children.
  10. Inability to live close to the school due to inflated property prices.
  11. The discovery that moving closer to Mamer does not solve the problem, but makes it worse. EU workers now find themselves with less cash, stuck in the worst peak-hour traffic they have ever experienced and still having no contact with the school.
  12. For parents forced by the Mamer issue to withdraw their children from the European School system – difficulties integrating with the national systems, cost of private school or creche, loss of right to education in one’s national language.
  13. Absence of free alternatives for children who do not speak French or German.
  14. Concerns about noise, traffic, disruption and real property devaluation that will be caused by the huge housing development planned behind the school (

The ESNDC is demanding a reorganisation of the schooling structure that treats all EU workers and their children equally, regardless of nationality or residential address. Common sense, equality and environmental concerns dictate that all crèche, maternelle and primary school facilities should be located in Kirchberg. The Mamer site should be reserved for all secondary school children, who require less supervision and private transport. This will also ensure a better range of language and subject options. To send your 1-page statement on how being assigned to the European School II in Mamer has prejudiced you, contact:

ESNDC administration:

The ESNDC have confirmed that the group is preparing to take the matter to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, should this become necessary.

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  1. Notre famille utilise le système de navettes au départ du plateau de Kirchberg. La mise en place de ces navettes est un moindre mal dans la mesure où le trajet du plateau de Kirchberg à Mamer est direct et relativement rapide et que les navettes roulent toujours dans le sens de circulation le moins chargé.

    L’affectation des enfants à Mamer reste toutefois un mal car cela oblige des enfants à se lever plus tôt : cette décision d’affecter des enfants dont les parents sont majoritairement des fonctionnaires dans un lieu si éloigné des institutions va à l’encontre du bien être et de l’équilibre des enfants.

    Le plus surprenant est le fait que ce système de navettes ne sera pas assuré pendant les congés scolaires. Les parents devront donc emmener leurs enfants au CPE V et, pour concilier cette nouvelle contrainte spécifique aux congés scolaires, les enfants devront se lever aussi tôt, voire plus tôt encore, si les parents cherchent à concilier leur vie professionnelle avec ces contraintes supplémentaires. Est il normal qu’aucun système de transport ne soit assuré pendant les congés scolaires sous prétexte que l’école est fermée. Le CPE a pour mission d’accueillir les enfants des fonctionnaires pendant les congés, un système de transport doit donc pouvoir permettre de se rendre au CPE, au même titre que l’école.