European school Mamer

European school’s emails are used for spamming

What is email spamming?Why is spamming cyber crime?Why is this happening in European school?Why is this activity inappropriate?Why would spammers send emails from domain?The conclusion Old email accounts are not deleted in time so hackers are able to use...

Digital competence failure in Lux 2 school

Digital competence involves the confidence, critical and responsive use of and engagement with digital technologies for learning, work, and participation in society. It should be at the heart of educational development in European schools but European school Luxembourg 2...

Is European school illegally holding children in the school?

Aibhistín Ó Coimin verbally abuses parentsWhy is school administration so nervousMismanagement of public money? Aibhistín Ó Coimin verbally abuses parents Verbal abuse is the style of assistant deputy director for secondary Aibhistín Ó Coimin when he talks with the parents. During...

New Director of the European School Luxembourg II is Mr Per Frithiofson

ScholaEuropaea just twitted: Mr Per Frithiofson (SW) has been appointed to be the new Director of the European School, LUXEMBOURG II starting from 1.9.2016!

Catastrophic timetable management at European school Mamer

First and foremost, the children have come into a new school from primary and immediately been subjected to a temporary timetable. No satisfactory explanation of this was ever given. We have been patient but confused as to why Lux I was able to have timetables ready to hand to children from the first day but Lux II was not.

Activities Periscolaires 2014-2015

The 2014/2015 exercise is the sixth under our stewardship, and the Federation is happy to have again taken the opportunity to introduce further significant developments. These are fully described on our website , where you can already find the full list of activities and the general terms and conditions.

Low registration and transferrals out of European School Mamer

The rate of registration of new children to European school Lux II is so low that the school now wants to radically change the rules of registration, ‘forcing parents with kids in the DE, FR and EN sections to send their kids to Lux II, except in certain circumstances.’

Dramatic enrollment changes in attempt to prop up failing European school Mamer

A new joint enrolment policy adopted yesterday we are forcing parents with kids in the DE, FR and EN sections to send their kids to Lux II. An increase of fees of 20% for the new category 3 pupils is coming in September.

Important transport problems – European school Mamer

Dear Mrs Laatu, As you kindly asked me the last time we met, I would like to inform you that my children have been late all the days of this week, especially two days they were very late because they...

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Why are school trips so important for students

Are school field trips still a thing?Social and Personal DevelopmentCultural Awareness and Empathy: In recent years, the significance of...